
Take our FREE ADHD Skills Assessment

  • Each assessment is game based & takes less than 5 minutes
  • Taken by over 40,000 students in the past 25 years and age- normed (ranked) from thousands of people your exact age 

Receive a FREE customized 8 page report at completion

How does your ADHD affect your academic success?

  • Identify your learning strengths
  • Learn which academic subjects best align with your learning strengths
  • Understand why some academic subjects may be more challenging than others

What will you learn about your skill set?

  • Learn what you are great at
  • Discover what uniquely makes you, you
  • Understand your unique learning strengths
  • Understand what careers/professions align best with your skills

How Does it Work & Why is it Free?

Our standardized cognitive assessments are the same type of assessments that you would find in the Wechsler Intelligence Test which is one of the most common tests among educators to determine your IQ. The problem with these types of tests is they focus on the average of the multiple assessments given and give you one number. They fail to clearly highlight exactly what your cognitive strengths and weaknesses are and how they can help or hinder you academically, vocationally, and professionally. The even bigger problem is to take one of these traditional in-person assessments with an educational psychologist that specializes in administering them is it takes one to two days and costs up to $5,000 to $8,000 nowadays. It is not practical & not affordable for most people.

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Types of Intelligences

Identify your unique set of IQ Strengths And Learn how they work together

Abstract Intelligence

Famous People with Well Known Learning Strengths & Differences

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